
  1. Fonts
    1. Font stack
      1. Sans-serif type:
      2. Serif type:
      3. Display type:
    2. Type scale
  2. Usage
  3. Text formatting
    1. Copy wrapper
    2. Headers size
    3. Table
  4. Color Text and Titles



Default sans-serif typeface


Ciutadella Bold

Display type


Download: Ciutadella


Default serif type for body text/


Download: Suisse

Font stack


Sans-serif type:


"Ciutadella-Regular", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

Serif type:


 "Suisse", Georgia, serif;

Display type:


font-family: "Ciutadella-Bold", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  • Ciutadella is used for headings and on navigation, button and other interface labels
  • Suisse is used for main body text, tables and forms.

Type scale

The base font is 16px except for the x-wide screen size or it is 19px. The spacing and size of the elements is based on the traditional rule of typographic rhythm.

fr :: Le base font est de 16px sauf pour la taille d’écran x-large ou il est à 19px. L’espacement et la taille des éléments est basé sur la règle traditionnelle du rythme typographique.


Ciutadella is the sans-serif font used on interface components (navigation, buttons and cards). It’s also used on heading in text block.

The Suisse font (serif) is mostly used on text blocks. (it’s sometime used on numbers in older components like pagination).

Ciutadella Bold + All Caps is used to identify the different section of a page. Example, it’s used on the titles of components like carousel. It can be used in very large type as a main header on the top of a page.

Text formatting

Copy wrapper

All styles related to text layout are protected by using the .copy class. Add the .copy class to a parent element to eliminate conflicts with styles that govern the look and feel of the interface.

fr :: Tous les styles relatif a la mise en page de texte sont securises grace a l utilisation de la classe .copy. Ajouter la classe .copy sur un élément parent afin d eliminer les conflicts avec les styles qui regisse le look and feel de l interface.

H1 header

Paragraphe lorem ipsum un lien dolor sit amet, italique avec em elit. Bold avec strong ultrices italique avec i hendrerit lacus a pretium. Vivamus Bold avec b sit amet odio ipsum. Duis at lectus elit, sagittis sodales sem. Aenean convallis euismod bibendum. Etiam a nisi tincidunt lacus commodo aliquam in eu mauris. Integer semper, dolor non mattis ornare, dui tortor pulvinar purus, id scelerisque nunc sem hendrerit leo. Aenean vel fringilla velit. Phasellus a ligula nec odio varius volutpat.

Blockquote lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Blockquote ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Somebody, Source

Paragraphe lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ultrices hendrerit lacus a pretium. Vivamus sit amet odio ipsum. Duis at lectus elit, sagittis sodales sem. Aenean convallis euismod bibendum. Etiam a nisi tincidunt lacus commodo aliquam in eu mauris.

H2 header

Paragraphe lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Une liste
  • Integer semper, dolor non mattis
    • Liste dans une liste
    • pulvinar purus
    • adipiscing elit
  • Integer, mattis ornare
  1. Une liste ordonne
  2. Integer semper, dolor non mattis
  3. Integer, mattis ornare
    1. Liste dans une liste
    2. pulvinar purus
  4. Integer, mattis ornare

Paragraphe lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ultrices hendrerit lacus a pretium. Vivamus sit amet odio ipsum. Duis at lectus elit, sagittis sodales sem. Aenean convallis euismod bibendum. Etiam a nisi tincidunt lacus commodo aliquam in eu mauris.

H3 header

Paragraphe lInteger semper, dolor non mattis ornare, dui tortor pulvinar purus, id scelerisque nunc sem hendrerit leo. Aenean vel fringilla velit. Phasellus a ligula nec odio varius volutpat.

Paragraphe lInteger semper, dolor non mattis ornare, dui tortor pulvinar purus, id scelerisque nunc sem hendrerit leo. Aenean vel fringilla velit. Phasellus a ligula nec odio varius volutpat.

H4 header

Paragraphe lInteger semper, dolor non mattis ornare, dui tortor pulvinar purus, id scelerisque nunc sem hendrerit leo. Aenean vel fringilla velit. Phasellus a ligula nec odio varius volutpat.

Paragraphe lInteger semper, dolor non mattis ornare, dui tortor pulvinar purus, id scelerisque nunc sem hendrerit leo. Aenean vel fringilla velit. Phasellus a ligula nec odio varius volutpat.

Headers size

Heading tag class size
(reg. screen - large screen)
Heading one <h1> .h1 3rem
(48px - 57px)
Heading two <h2> .h2 2rem
(32px - 38px)
Heading three <h3> .h3 1.75rem
(28px - 33px)
Heading four <h4> .h4 1.5rem
(24px - 28px)
Heading five <h5> .h5 1.33rem
(21px - 25px)

It is possible to keep the semantics of heading element (like <h1>) and to associate the style of another heading type (like a <h4>). This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. By applying the .h4 class to the <h1> <h1 class="h4">. This way would be preferable if the style that one wants to give to the <h1> is exactly the style of <h4> (same spacing, font, color, size …).
  2. By adding the class .h4 to our element in the css/less file. This way is better if you want to start from the style of h4 and then customize it even more (change the color, make it, etc.)

fr :: Il est possible de garder la sémantique d’un élément de titre (ex: un h1) et de lui associer le style d’un autre élément (ex: un h4). Ceci peut être fait de 2 façons :

  1. En appliquant la classe .h4 au <h1> dans le code html <h1 class="h4">. Cette façon serait préférable si le style que l’on veut donner au <h1> est exactement le style du<h4> (même espacement, font, couleur, taille…)
  2. En ajoutant la classe .h4 à notre élément dans le css. Cette façon est préférable si on veut partir du style du h4 et ensuite le personnaliser encore plus (changer la couleur, la font, etc.)


Add the class .table to the <table> tag

This is an example table, and this is its caption to describe the contents.
Table heading Table heading Table heading Table heading
Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell
Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell
Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell

Color Text and Titles

Use colored text on the beginning of an article. Color available: .rose, .bleu, .orange, .rouge, .violet, .vert & .turquoise.

The following colors are based on official colors but have been adjusted to ensure optimal readability (WCAG 2.0 accessibility AAA).

NFB brand colors adjusted for text

Colour hex color hex
red #DB3934 orange #FF5430
yellow #AC8D00 green #8B9700
turquoise #00A197 blue #0085CA
violet #87319A pink #F64166

fr :: Utilisation de texte de couleur sur l’amorce d’un article. Couleur disponibles : .rose, .bleu, .orange, .rouge, .violet, .vert & .turquoise.

Les couleurs suivantes sont basees sur les couleurs officielles mais ont ete ajustees pour assurer une lisibilite optimal (WCAG 2.0 accessibility AAA).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

<p class="m-article-lead rose">


  1. To use these colors on text, the character size must be at least 24px.  2. The use of yellow is deprecated. The color tint required to conform to the standard is too far from the original yellow.
  2. Accessibility of adjusted NFB pallette
  3. Accessibility of real NFB pallette