Alerts & Messages

  1. Colours and status levels
  2. Message with choices

Message banners are displayed at the top of a page. Just insert the following code in a <% block name = "ribbon"> </% block> of the template. The x button uses the html element hiding utility.

fr :: Les bandeaux d’alerte s’affiche dans le haut d’une page. Il suffit d’insérer le code suivant dans la zone éditable de template <%block name="ribbon"></%block>. Le bouton x utilise l’utilitaire de masquage d’élément html.

<div class="l-bigContainer m-ribbon" id="alerte">
 <div class="l-contentContainer">
  <div class="l-largeur80p maxWidth">
   <p class="message"> This is something you should know. </p>
   <a href="" class="x-icon-link" data-hideElement="#alerte">X</a>

Great news for you!

Colours and status levels

The default color of the message ribbon is blue (info). Colour of the ribbon can be change to fit common types of messages: .warning, .success and .danger

<div class="l-bigContainer m-ribbon warning" id="alerte">
 <div class="l-contentContainer">
  <div class="l-largeur80p maxWidth">
   <p class="message"> You better watch out... </p>
   <a href="" class="x-icon-link" data-hideElement="#alerte">X</a>

You better watch out...

This is bad...

This is great!

Message with choices

To add buttons to a message ribbon, you need to add the .withChoice class to the top container.

<div class="l-bigContainer m-ribbon withChoice">
 <div class="l-contentContainer">
  <div class="l-largeur80p">
	 <p class="message"> This is a message for you. <br> <strong>Do you want to.</strong></p>
	 <div class="btContainer">
		<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary plein">yes</button>
		<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-hideelement="#ribbonConfirmAccount">no</button>

This is the 3rd item you've removed from [Curator Name]
Do you want to stop Following [him/her].